Pre-School Program
Our Curriculum is "Pre-School Year in Focus"
written by J.Bemies
revised by K.Witzel
The Growing Tree Learning Center teaches the developmental curriculum "PreSchool Year in Focus". This teaching system offers weekly study units that help your child better understand the world around him.
Examples of our unit titles include:
"Where Do People Work?"
"Let's Go to the Store"
"How Does Your Garden Grow?"
Each unit stresses the recognition of a specific number, color and letter.
Daily lessons are designed into six teaching areas:
Adventures in Music - teaching rhythm, coordination, and appreciation
Adventueres in Science - teaches nature, safety and health
Adventures in Self Expression - teaches creativity, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination
Adventures in Physical Fitness - teaches coordination and developing large motor skills
Adventures in Literature - creates readiness skills through phonics, opposites, sequencing, matching and storytelling.
Adventures in Social Awareness - teaching adjustments to emotions, manners and communication.